Friday, January 6, 2012


I’ve written and re-written the first post for this blog many times now. Every time I do, I realize that it just sounds like random rambling. And to be honest, that’s all this really is. It’s simply giving myself the space to ramble on about the things I love most. It is not meant to be profound, academic, or organized. It is nothing more than my mind gone wild on wellness, a space to share the things that bring me happiness, joy, and peace of mind. I hope that sharing them offers you a bit of the same. My intention is to encourage and support others in their quest for healthier, more balanced, and heartfelt living.
Feel free to share the inspirations you find here. All I ask is that you honor these offerings by linking back to the blog so that others may also share and be a part of the community created here.
In love, gratitude and wellness~ KN

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