Monday, January 16, 2012

Homemade Salt Scrub

Salt scrubs are a great way to get that decadent, just-left-a-spa feeling at a fraction of the cost. Aside from being totally luxurious, salt scrubs also have detoxification benefits. They exfoliate and slough off dead skin cells, helping to regenerate the top layer of your epidermis. Rubbing the salt in circular motions during application can increase circulation and combat cellulite. The increased circulation also cleans pores and removes toxins from the body, leaving the skin feeling firm and moisturized.

1 cup of sea salt (or dead sea salt is even better if you want to splurge on a treat)
Almond or Apricot oil
Essential oils of your choice (I like the brand Aura Cacia- but cheaper generics are fine for the purpose of a scrub)

Put the salt in a jar or bowl (I like to use a jar, that way if you don’t use it all, it’s already in a storage container). Pour enough oil over the salt until it becomes coated evenly, with just a little tiny bit of extra oil. Add 40 drops of your favorite essential oils and mix together. Take the scrub into the shower and rub it into the skin in circular motions. Rinse off with water and pat dry. Your skin will feel really oily when you get out of the shower, but give it some time and the oil will eventually soak in. This scrub leaves your skin feeling incredibly soft for days.

A few of my favorite aromatherapy blends:
Basics: lavender, rose, lemongrass
Bright and uplifting: citrus scents- blood orange, lime, tangerine, grapefruit mixed with lavender and rosemary
Warming aphrodisiac: ylang-ylang, nutmeg and vanilla
Heavy floral tones: jasmine, geranium, neroli, frangipani, or rose

Have fun and be creative. It’s your treat so go with whatever feels comforting to you. If you’re new to the aromatherapy world and not sure of what to choose, try a pre-made blend or just start with one of the basics.

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