Friday, January 13, 2012

Basic Kale Chips

Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I am quite the fanatic when it comes to kale chips. What’s not to love? They’re crispy, light, delicious and healthy. Kale is low in calories, high in vitamins A, K, and C, carries a significant dose of calcium, and has incredible anti-inflammatory properties.
We’re going to start with the basics here, but rest assured we will eventually work our way into all of the faux-cheese madness that I know you’re waiting for.
Cut the kale into small, bite-sized pieces, wash and pat dry. The kale will still be slightly moist, which is good. This will help the spices stick to the kale without having to use oil. Shake nutritional yeast, sea salt and cayenne pepper over the kale and stir to coat evenly. Spread the kale over your dehydrator sheets and dehydrate at 115° for 8-10 hours or until kale becomes dry and crispy. Be careful not to overdo it or the kale will crumble apart. Store in an airtight container.
** If you don’t have a dehydrator you can make kale chips in the oven. They don’t come out quite as crispy, but they’re delicious nonetheless. The key is to make sure the kale is as dry as possible. Any excess moisture will result in soggy kale. Make sure kale is completely dry, then mist with the lightest amount of olive oil before applying your spices. Bake at 200° for 30 minutes or until crispy.

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